Low carbon emissions targets and the concept of a hydrogen economy have opened the door to a massive increase in ammonia trade. NGLStrategy’s seaborne trade outlook investigates the impact of new demand outlets for ammonia and what the implications will be for the shipping market.

On top of ammonia’s traditional use as a fertiliser, chemical and explosives feedstock, new uses of ammonia are being developed for:
• Co-firing with coal in power stations
• Use as a bunker fuel
• Use as an economic seaborne carrier of hydrogen
New projects have been announced to supply green and blue ammonia to the uses above with governments and regional authorities being involved in the plans and financial backing.

  • Stay ahead of the developments in new demand sectors for ammonia with quarterly updates.
  • Understand how the changing landscape will shape overall demand for hydrogen and the role of ammonia
  • Learn how quickly the new outlets are expected to develop and the relative demand/ location of new projects
  • Gain insight into the development of ammonia seaborne trade
  • Find out what the implications of the growing ammonia demand will be for the shipping market and potential need for larger vessels
  • Gain access to NGLS’s analysts and consultants for questions on the market

Hydrogen/Ammonia Production

  • Overview of hydrogen supply and demand by region
  • Ammonia’s role in the hydrogen economy
  • Explanation of different types of ammonia and outlets
  • Drivers and economics of hydrogen and ammonia production


  • Overview of ammonia demand and drivers currently and in the future
  • Ammonia supply and demand & trade outlook by sector
  • High, low and base case scenarios by each demand sector

Seaborne Trade

  • Global terminal infrastructure
  • Seaborne trade movements
  • Ammonia exports and imports by region and application
  • High, low and base case scenarios presented by demand sector


  • Cost comparison of hydrogen transportation via different transportation method and major route
  • Ammonia demand analysis by vessel and segment for different scenarios
  • Supply/demand analysis of ammonia shipping overall and by size of vessel including ULAC
  • Ammonia shipping cost assessment per vessel size


  • Reports are delivered via email in PDF format
  • Comprehensive detailed annual study and quarterly report analysing any updates in the market and impact on ammonia trade and shipping requirements.
  • Access to NGLStrategy’s analysts and consultants


  • Quarterly reports supporting larger annual study
  • NGLStrategy’s experts are available at any time for further explanation/analysis