Subscription to NGLS’s short-term quarterly report provides an in-depth analysis and explanation of the current directives in the propane & butane market as well as a forecast for the next 12 months.

One of the most comprehensive of NGLStratey’s reports, you can find out on a quarterly basis what is instore for both propane and butane as well as a review of the current trends shaping the market. Having the next 12 months forecast broken down monthly/quarterly allows market players to identify key trends and stay ahead of the developments. Identifying seasonal trends and upcoming market influences allow subscribers to plan their activities and contracts at opportune times.
Each report is supported by data provided via our online portal database allowing clients to individualise their analysis pertinent to their needs

  • Stay ahead of developments and market changes by finding out what is forecast for the next 12 months
  • Understand the changes for propane and butane by review of the previous quarter and how the market performed vs forecast
  • Provides a global view of the propane and butane market tying all segments into one report eliminating the need for multiple subscriptions
  • Allows access to NGLStrategy’s online portal (subject to subscription level)
  • Gain access to NGLS’s analysts and consultants for questions on the market

Supply & Demand

  • Last quarter market review and highlighted changes to the forecast
  • Propane and butane supply/demand forecast on an annual and monthly/quarterly basis for the next 12 months.
  • Analysis of the global propane and butane markets on an annual and quarterly breakdown
  • Seaborne trade by major importer and exporter
  • Seaborne trade flows in grid format by quarter
  • Quarterly seaborne trade balance for propane AND butane


  • Petrochemical economics and developments including new plant start-up timings
  • Cracker margins and costs by major feedstock and region.
  • PDH economics and Chinese propylene supply breakdown
  • Volume of LPG imported for steam cracking
  • Breakdown of new PDH plants starting in China with updated start-up timings and impact on LPG demand


  • Freight rate developments and arbitrage forecast for major trading routes
  • VLGC monthly supply/demand balance
  • VLGC orderbook and freight forecast


  • Propane & butane price forecasts including arbitrage economics
  • Price sensitivities


  • Two reports with over 60 slides combined in executive style: “Foundation Report” & “Extended Report”
  • Supplementary data is provided via email in Excel format
  • Access to NGLStrategy’s online portal for all data relating to the reports which can be downloaded in a number of formats (subject to subscription level)
  • Access to NGLStrategy’s analysts and consultants


  • Reports are published each quarter with market alerts sent within the quarter when appropriate
  • NGLStrategy’s experts are available at any time for further explanation/analysis