Approach & Expertise
NGLStrategy, LLC’s methodology seeks to combine high-quality analytics with an understanding of how markets work, and companies behave.
NGLS Approach
NGLS aims to provide decision makers with high quality information, services and strategies based on the best available market knowledge and understanding.
To succeed in delivering this, our approach includes:
- Gathering high quality public and derived data
- Using our proprietary models and analytics functions to efficiently “rationalize” the gathered data
- Studying, analyzing and interpreting the raw and derived data and model results through the experience of the core and extended team of experts
- Defining the best practices through the lenses of market understanding and the team’s industry experience
- Providing the insights to clients in a concise way, presenting the key findings and pinpointing the risks that could affect the interpretations.
NGLS Expertise
NGLS expertise covers the international NGL space and the whole spectrum of the NGL chain.
- LPG (Propane, nButane & iButane)
- Ethane
- Ammonia
- Olefins (Ethylene, propylene, butadiene) and their feedstocks
- Global petchem gases trade
- Pentanes plus & Condensate not in the core offerings but available upon request