Global Propane & Butane Quarterly Seaborne Trade Outlook to 2035
NGLStrategy’s long-term seaborne trade report provides a quarterly update on the major changes in propane and butane seaborne supply/demand. Historical and forecast figures by major country is provided in Excel format each quarter. The impact on the VLGC market and freight rates are also examined.
Seaborne trade for propane and butane has developed into a truly global topic. Understanding which countries are expected to increase or decrease their seaborne supply/demand is essential for market players involved in day-to-day trading, investments, shipping or infrastructure projects.
NGLStrategy’s long-term report provides a quarterly update of developments within the LPG market and the impact on seaborne trade. Trade patterns are identified and forecast on an annual basis.
As well as volume, price trends and forecasts are provided for propane and butane as well as in-depth VLGC shipping analysis and market forecast, including freight rate outlook.
- Provides regular updates for the long-term seaborne trade outlook allowing you to stay abreast of new developments for LPG
- Full annual breakdown of propane & butane imports and exports in Excel format for around 80 countries
- Provides a global view of the LPG seaborne trade market
- Gain access to NGLS’s analysts and consultants for questions on the market
- Covers a range of topics including global seaborne exports and imports, seaborne trade flows, pricing, petrochemicals and shipping.
- Allows access to NGLStrategy’s online portal (subject to subscription level)
Seaborne Supply & Demand
- Review of previous forecasts/expectations
- Key milestones/sensitivities for seaborne trade in the forecast
- Seaborne imports and exports by region and major country
- Direction of trade and key trade movements
- Global imports of petrochemicals by sector and major region
- Steam cracker cost forecast for major regions (NW Europe, US Gulf and Far East).
- VLGC supply and demand fundamentals and balance annually to 2035
- VLGC freight outlook and a range of forecast scenarios
- VLGC daily returns and investment
- Oil and natural gas price outlook
- Pricing forecast for propane & butane
- Two reports with over 60 slides combined in executive style: “Foundation Report” & “Extended Report”
- Supplementary data is provided via email in Excel format
- Access to NGLStrategy’s online portal for all data relating to the reports which can be downloaded in a number of formats (subject to subscription level)
- Access to NGLStrategy’s analysts and consultants
- Reports are published each quarter with market alerts sent within the quarter when appropriate
- NGLStrategy’s experts are available at any time for further explanation/analysis