NGLStrategy LPG Market Seminar
Houston | April 2023
08.00 Registration and breakfast
08.30 Welcome remarks
- Michael Panas,
Managing Consultant, NGLStrategy
08.35 Navigating the Volatile LPG Market
- Emma Lamb,
Lead Consultant, NGLStrategy
Volatility remains a key topic for the LPG market in 2023. Additional demand is expected from the next wave of new petrochemical plants particularly in Asia, at a time where political factors continue to influence not only the LPG market but oil/gas/products in general.
This presentation aims to highlight the key sensitivities for the LPG market in 2023 as well as providing an outlook for the remainder of 2023. Topics explored include supply/demand, seaborne trade and petrochemicals with an emphasis on the impact of the global market on the US.
Where is the growth in demand in 2023 and how much of this demand is expected to be met through additional US exports? Will petrochemicals be the driving force for the LPG market in 2023 and if so, what does this mean for pricing?
09.00 View from a US Producer/Exporter – Chevron
- Michelle Natarajan,
Supply and Trading Strategy & Analytics Manager - Mark Gess,
Commercial Manager
US LPG production has significantly risen in recent years and turned the market into a truly global landscape.
This presentation will discuss the LPG market from the perspective of a current US producer and exporter highlighting the focus for 2023 and beyond.
09.25 View from an importer – Wanhua Petrochemical
- Hunjo Huang,
Assistant General Manager, Wanhua Petrochemical
Wanhua Petrochemical is one of the largest importers in China haven recently increased their capacity for utilizing LPG via steam cracking and PDH.
This presentation will focus on the outlook of China’s petrochemical market with a focus on Wanhua’s petrochemical strategy and NGL demand.
09.50 The Complexity of Global LPG Pricing and Shipping Dynamics
- Michael Panas,
Managing Consultant, NGLStrategy
Global LPG price structures are maturing following the rapid changes in supply/demand patterns, political instability, trading dynamics and environmental pressures. The key question is how all those factors come together and ultimately influence global prices and arbs.
This presentation aims to unravel the global LPG price dynamics, examine the significance of the US FOB and domestic prices and how they impact or are affected by the international dynamics. It will also explore the sensitivities of the shipping markets and their forthcoming challenges, including environmental and logistical constraint factors, and put together the puzzle of the price structure complexities.
10.15 Q&A
10.40 Networking & Coffee
Date & Time
Thursday, 20th April 2023
Registration from 8am
Breakfast provided with networking coffee and presentations